
What You Need to Buy to Get Started in Australia


From all of us at Langports Sydney!

My name is Nicole and I am the Principal at Langports Sydney. Today I would like to talk about what you need to buy to get started in Australia. Setting up your new life is a very exciting time and I hope this will help you.


We will provide you with some stationary on your first day of course. Pens, notebooks, folders; you certainly need a few things when it comes to studying at Langports. It is always a good idea to get yourself a good diary, and keep it up to date.

Invest in a few solid black, blue, and red pens, three or four highlighters, a pencil and eraser, enough notebooks and files for each class (speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar) and post-it notes.

We have water fountains on each floor, so make sure you also bring a good water bottle.

A good pair of scissors will always come in handy to open a package, fix your clothes, or even cut something in the kitchen.

Also, pick up an external hard drive: back up your files AND have somewhere to keep a collection of music and movies.



Your bedding can ensure a good night sleep. Have a pillow or two, fitted sheets, bed sheets, quilt and cover. Get yourself some coat hangers, so all your clothes can be kept nicely. Make sure you have a spare blanket, too. Not only will it keep you warm in bed during winter, but you’ll have something to throw around yourself if your out-of-bed heating situation isn’t so great.




Unless you have booked our homestay option, a big portable laundry bag and a clotheshorse will make all the difference to your living space. Just shove all your dirty clothes in bag, pack it up, and take it to the laundromat. While a clotheshorse may take up a bit of room, you’ll have somewhere to dry your clothes if waiting for the dryer isn’t your thing, and it can also double as hangar space.




Being able to keep your electronic items charged and ready to go, get an extension cord and a power board to make sure you are always connected. This is how our power plugs look like:

If you are in shared accommodation, be sure to pick up a set of earplugs. They can mean the difference between a good night’s sleep, and that loud party down the hall keeping you up all night. While your phone probably has a torch app, buying a real torch will save you if there is ever a power outage and your phone is dead.


It might be obvious, but don’t forget bath towels and a bath mat. Get at least two towels, as drying off with a cold, damp towel sucks, and this way you can make sure this isn’t going to happen to you. During summer, you can also hang a damp towel over an open window to help cool your room down.

Be sure to get all the toiletries you need, from shower gel, deodorant, toothpaste up to toothbrush and shampoo. Even painkillers like Panadol or Nurofen, might be handy to have, as you never know when a headache may strike.




Make sure you have got microwaveable plates and bowls, so your leftovers never go to waste. Pair those with a good mug, and one or two glasses, cutlery, a kettle, and you are set for meals.




You might also want to consider getting a chopping board and a kitchen knife, spatula, can opener, a non-stick frying pan, and a saucepan. Throw in a few tea towels, too, so you always have dry and clean crockery. These can double, as packing for boxes later down the line, will let you clean up spills, and serve as a holder for hot pots or bowls, too.

You can use your mug not only to drink tea, but also to make scrambled eggs in the microwave; mug cakes, heat up porridge/oatmeal, and much more. In a pinch, a mug will do as a replacement for most of your crockery, and you can even use it as a makeshift amplifier for your iPhone, in place of speakers. So above all else, invest in a mug.

If you don’t want to get a saucepan and a frying pan, buy a wok instead. You can use it to fry, boil, or cook a full meal, all from your stovetop.

Having an easy way to provide yourself sustenance can save you heaps of money, and time. Buying a sandwich press means you can toast sandwiches, but also make toast, cook meat or vegetables, fry bacon, and reheat pizza. A better question would be, what can’t it do?

We are wishing all of you happy packing and looking forward to seeing you at Langports Sydney.

Best, Nicole

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