
Speak English Only


“Speak English Only” Does this sound familiar? This is what you see everywhere at Langports.

When I first saw it, I used to think that I spent enough hours at school speaking English in the lessons. Also, I was living with an Australian family so I didn’t have any option but speak English all the time. So, when I finished the school every day I wanted to speak Spanish with my friends, and it was a bit frustrating that I couldn’t.

I remember that Aida, a girl from Spain, always wanted to speak English all the time and I used to laugh because it was so strange to me to speak English with my Spanish colleagues. It is always more comfortable and less frustrating to speak my own language when we went somewhere.

Anyway, I was reading books in English, writing in my diary or watched films with English subtitles. Also, I knew every day a lot of new people coming from different countries and I was practicing a lot of English at the same time. I made friends from Australia, South America, Brazil, Switzerland, Japan… I had to talk in English and practice and it’s worth it because you make friends from other countries and perhaps you even live with them. Therefore, you have the opportunity to learn more about different cultures, expand your horizons and grow as a person.

It came a moment that even when I was outside of school I kept speaking only in English with my Spanish friends. And then, I realized that my English was improving faster and faster every day. Now, I can maintain a fluent conversation with anyone the whole day and I am proud of myself. I never imagined that I would speak like that. Accordingly, by the time you discover that you have to push yourself a little bit more to speak English all the time.

When you finish your course at Langports you realize everything you’ve learned. You realize everything you have read, spoke or listened to counts. We shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes, because remember, we are learning.  

Keep speaking English only and having a positive attitude  😀 

Thank you,

Sandra Escudero

Related Blogs:

100 Things You Can Do To Improve Your English!

Is your vocab drab or fab? – Tips to learn vocabular! 

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