
What to pack in your suitcase?


Marion3Hello everybody. This is Marion from the marketing team. Before coming to Langports , many students wonder what they should pack in their suitcase. Sometimes, students arrive with suitcases weighting more than 30 kilos and are restricted with what to bring back home!

To help you packing your suitcase getting ready for your trip in Australia, here are a few tips on what to pack in your suitcase.

You should be very cautious when packing your suitcase to take essential documents:

  • Passport and any visa paperwork
  • Flight itinerary
  • Your confirmation of Enrolment from Langports
  • Langports emergency contact number & homestay coordinator mobile number
  • The address of your accommodation

I even suggest that you make two copies of all documents just in case you lose one. You may also want to carry a copy of your passport with you at all times rather than your physical passport, except during international travel.

  1. Check the weather conditions

One of the first things you have to do before packing your suitcase is to find information on the weather conditions of your destination. This will help you determine what to bring to Australia. For example, if you study in Brisbane in November & December, the temperature is very warm as it’s the summer season in Australia.

It can be very hard for some students to choose what items should be taken or left behind. My advice is to leave at home non-essential items that can be purchased or found while travelling whenever the necessity arises. For example, leave your hair dryer at home. Most of our homestay families will have one for you or you will be able to purchase one for $30 in any shop.

There is also no need to bring 7 pairs of shoes. Once you are in Australia, you will have plenty of opportunities to go shopping and embrace the Australian fashion.

  1. Bring souvenirs of your home country

Don’t hesitate to take a few souvenirs (postcard, pictures, small items…) from home. With these items you will be able to share your memory of your country with your new friends. Having these types of objects will also be comforting in case of homesickness but remember that you should be careful about what you can bring into Australia especially when it comes to food.


Let’s be honest, even if you are on a tight budget there are high chances that you will buy many souvenirs in Australia. Make sure that you have enough space in your suitcase to be able to take them back home. It would be a shame to leave them at your accommodation because your suitcase is too full. I highly recommend that when you pack your suitcase to go to Australia you force yourself to leave room for all the great clothes and souvenirs that you will buy here.

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