Hi, I’m Rocio Alcalde and I’m from Mexico, but I’m also a dreamer who wants to be a professional business person. I have a vision and I believe in my abilities. My first challenge was to not stop studying, but my family was unable to support my studies. After a long journey, I finally have a degree in Financial Administration and currently I’m a proud student of Langports English College in Sydney, Australia.
I’ve found that the business world fascinates me and I would like to be able to join it with my knowledge of English. I have an entrepreneurial spirit and I’m not afraid to take risks to advance and improve my international prospects. This is why I decided to come to Sydney and I’ve completely immersed myself in a new way of life. I can tell you, it opens mind and increases your sense of accomplishment.
English is the third most common native language. However, it is the most widely spoken language around the world, in many cases as a second, third or fourth language for other speakers. Without a doubt, business people must develop communication abilities properly in order to reach our goals and to be successful.
It was easy to choose Australia; living on the other side of the world was my dream. The quality of life here is good, and the society is multicultural, so there are no borders. The Australian education system is globally recognised and there have been many Australian contributions and discoveries which have changed lives around the world. 
Although there are many institutions offering educational programs, Langports English College was the best choice for me. They offer a wide range of courses for beginners and for people at advanced levels, and also personalized programs according to the profile and ambitions for each student. In addition to this, you can get further practical training in different activities and the opportunity to work while studying. This combination has a highly competitive advantage in further studies.
When I came to Langports 7 months ago, I was powerless to hold a conversation with English speakers. Today I can express myself with more confidence, enough to even make a phone call and have a chat. On this journey I’ve been studying with more than 10 different nationalities and I’ve met extraordinary people, teachers, administrative staff, and classmates.
These months have meant a lot to me. Australia is like a paradise; it has impressive flora and fauna, beautiful places to visit, sporting events, cultural attractions and spectacles for all tastes and ages. It is an inspiring, creative, enterprising country. They are also neighbourly people who are very kind to foreigners.
As a whole experience, the biggest challenge that I’ve had to overcome is being far from my traditions, family, friends, and also being unable to communicate with society has been very frustrating and a challenge. At the same time, I haven’t gone even a single day without speaking English. It doesn’t matter if I pronounce words incorrectly or use grammar incorrectly. The only way to learn is to learn from mistakes. It makes you better. The key is not to make the same mistake again and again. As time passes you realise that afterwards it comes naturally without so much effort.
My experience has been extraordinary. I’ve cried because it hasn’t been easy, but I’ve also laughed lots. I made a lot of friends and the only thing that depresses me is when I have to say “good bye” to them because the experience is very dynamic, new friends arrive while others leave. I’ve had incredible experiences. What amazes me is that this country has allowed me to continue building my dream. Regardless of the distance, always traveling to the end of the road is the only option.
Imagine that your fears do not allow you to wake up—overcome them and wake up to that the world awaits you.
This post was written by a student at our Sydney school. Rocio is a 5A student at Langports Sydney. We would like to thank her for sharing her Langports experience with us!
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